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Who is verification for?

Verification is for enterprises that put People and Planet First. Verified enterprises include social enterprises, fair trade enterprises, cooperatives, mutualist organisations, post-growth enterprises, not-for-profit businesses, earned-income nonprofits, social businesses, regenerative businesses and more. The focus is on shared core standards, not terminology or legal form.  

Why get verified?

Be part of the global movement Icon

Be part of the global movement

Build meaningful connections with others and collaborate.

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Strengthen your message

Be recognised as a globally verified enterprise that puts People and Planet First.

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Get more business

Connect with buyers that purchase with purpose and access new market opportunities through social procurement.

Save on products and services Icon

Save on products and services

Access free and discounted services and software from supporter partners like TrustLaw and GrantStation.

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Get the spotlight

Get more visibility on global platforms, such as the SAP Business Network.

A full list of supporter partners coming soon. Interested in partnering with People and Planet First or got a suggestion?

What makes this different? Inclusive, straightforward, affordable

People and Planet First was developed by and for the new economy movement as a simple and affordable verification of an enterprise’s core purpose and business model. Every enterprise with the People and Planet First verified badge solves social and/or environmental problems and reinvests the majority of profit for the many, not the few. It can complement certifications of policies and practices, but it can also serve as a differentiator.

Is my enterprise eligible?

The verification has five standards. An internal point system was developed to support the review process and help enterprises identify opportunities for potential improvement. Points are not shared publicly to prevent comparison across enterprises that operate in highly diverse contexts and legal frameworks. Enterprises are either People and Planet First Verified or they are not.

Applicants need at least one point for each of the five standards to be eligible for verification. If they receive zero points for any standard, they are encouraged to make improvements and reapply in the future.

1. Purpose: Exists to solve a social and/or environmental problem 
  • Conventional business. Not created to solve a social or environmental problem. (Not eligible: 0 points)
  • Exists to solve a social or environmental problem. Social or environmental purpose is publicly communicated online. Plans to update governing documents to include the purpose. (1 point)
  • Exists to solve a social or environmental problem. Social or environmental purpose is publicly communicated online and is included in governing documents. (2 points)
  • Exists to solve a social or environmental problem. Social or environmental purpose is publicly communicated online and is included in governing documents. Monitors impact related to purpose. (3 points)
  • Exists to solve a social or environmental problem. Social or environmental purpose is publicly communicated online and is included in governing documents. Monitors and publicly reports impact related to purpose. (4 points)
2. Operations: Prioritises purpose, people and planet over profit in operational decisions
  • Not focused on social and environmental impact of operational decisions. Does not meet minimum sector standards. (Not eligible: 0 points)
  • Meets minimum sector standards. Publicly communicates online about how people and planet are prioritised. (1 point)
  • Meets minimum sector standards. Monitors social and environmental metrics related to workers, suppliers, community and environment. (2 points)
  • Meets minimum sector standards. Monitors and publicly reports social and environmental metrics related to workers, suppliers, community and environment. (3 points)
  • Meets minimum sector standards. Has at least one recognised third-party verification of socially and environmentally responsible practices related to core operations. (4 points)
3. Revenue: Has a self-sustaining revenue model 
  • Dependent on non-reciprocal charitable contributions and grant contracts. No plan for a self-sustaining revenue model. (Not eligible: 0 points)
  • Financial records show earned income from products, services, or reciprocal grant contracts. Plan for financial sustainability. (1 point)
  • Financial records show earned income from products, services, or reciprocal grant contracts covers at least 50% of expenses. Plan for financial sustainability. (2 points)
  • Financial records show earned income from products, services, or reciprocal grant contracts covers at least 75% of expenses. Plan for financial sustainability. (3 points)
  • Financial records show earned income from products, services, or reciprocal grant contracts covers 100% of expenses. Plan for long-term financial sustainability. (4 points)
4. Use of surplus: Reinvests the majority of any surplus towards its purpose.
  • Has a structure or financing that requires more than 50% of surplus to be disbursed for private profit. No plans to change. (Not eligible: 0 points)
  • Has a public commitment to reinvesting the majority of surplus towards purpose. Financial records show greater than 50% reinvestment or purpose-related disbursement. (1 point)
  • Has a public commitment to reinvesting all surplus towards purpose. Financial records show 100% reinvestment or purpose-related disbursement. (2 points)
  • Governing documents or structure ensure the majority of surplus is reinvested towards purpose. Financial records show greater than 50% reinvestment or purpose-related disbursement. (3 points)
  • Governing documents or structure ensure all surplus is reinvested towards purpose. Financial records show 100% reinvestment or purpose-related disbursement. (4 points)
5. Structure: Chooses legal structures and financing that protect and lock-in purpose long-term.
  • Has a structure or financing that does not protect purpose, e.g. profit-maximising ownership, subsidiary of profit-maximising company. No plan to change structure.  (Not eligible: 0 points)
  • Has a public commitment to locking-in purpose. Plans to update governing documents or registration. Current financing and ownership does not prevent future lock-in. (1 point)
  • Has clauses in governing documents to protect purpose through periods of transition including changes in management, changes in ownership, and dissolution. (2 points)
  • Has structural arrangements to protect purpose through periods of transition (e.g. democratic governance, hybrid model with key assets under protected structure). (3 points)
  • Has government regulated structural arrangements or an embedded democratic governance model to protect purpose through periods of transition (e.g. controlling shares owned by a protected structure, democratic member control).  (4 points)

How it works

Verification is implemented through verification partners in most regions.

Step 1: Application form

Submit a free online form on the Good Market website to create a public profile. Make sure to check the box for People and Planet First Verification on the last page of the form.

Step 2: Pay verification fee

After your enterprise is approved, you will receive a link to pay the $85 USD verification fee online. The fee was set at the lowest possible level to contribute to costs and ensure the service is self-sustaining. No fee required for enterprises verified by People and Planet First Double Badge Partners.

Step 3: Verification form

Go to your account page, open the short verification form and select points for each of the five standards. Upload financial documents, governing documents, or other evidence to support your claims.  If the application meets the minimum standards, you will receive a welcome pack with the verification certificate and badge. 


Annual review and renewal to ensure ongoing standards. You will be asked to resubmit your evidence and pay a $70 USD renewal fee  

Double Badge

Double Badge Icon

If you meet one of the following criteria, you are eligible for “double badge” verification. This means no additional payment or document review is required. The only step is to submit the online form to create your free profile page. The verification remains valid for as long as you retain your status with your double badge partner.