We are People and Planet First. We are changing the global economy.

Network of networks: Joining forces for greater impact.
People and Planet First is a network of networks stewarded by the Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF), a non-profit social enterprise that has been supporting the social enterprise movement since 2008.
The People and Planet First verification was developed in consultation with organisations around the world. Verification partners are member organisations, certifiers and service providers that already work with a network of enterprises that put People and Planet First.
Our shared values include taking a collaborative approach and having a global view as we believe that we all have a role to play in building a better world.

Global view
Recognise that this enterprise model has deep roots in Indigenous and traditional communities and exists under many names and legal structures around the world. Open to learning from diverse experiences.

Collaborative approach
Understand that the current challenge is too big for any one organisation or network to address alone. Open to working across traditional divides.
Shared standards
The People and Planet First verification focuses on five core standards in order to keep assessment costs low, bridge language divides and legal differences and open global opportunities for all enterprises that put people and planet first.
Some verification partners have additional criteria for their own networks. This diversity is recognised and celebrated. Find out more about People and Planet First verification.
Partner: Help build the movement
Network partners are critical to the verification process and to the broader movement. Do you know a potential partner that serves a network not currently covered by an Official Partner (see list below)? Get in touch.
Partner types
There are three types of verification partners:

Promotional Partners
help spread the word across their networks.

Single Badge Partners
assist with the document review process for enterprises in their networks and receive 60% of the verification fee. They provide local language support and understand the local legal context. They only offer the People and Planet First badge.

Double Badge Partners
have an existing certification, verification, or due diligence process that matches or exceeds the core standards of the People and Planet First verification. They can offer their enterprises the global verification badge at no additional cost and with no additional document review. They offer the People and Planet First badge in addition to their own badge.
Help unlock the map
Would you like to become or suggest a potential partner working in an area not covered yet?
Discover the story behind People and Planet First
Around the world, diverse groups of people have been trading and running enterprises that put people and planet first for thousands of years. The scale of this movement can be difficult to see because people use different terms and different definitions in different parts of the world. SEWF is the steward of People and Planet First.
The first Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF) was held in Edinburgh (Scotland) to address the need for an international space for social enterprises to connect, collaborate and learn. Since then, the event has grown and moved across countries and continents, always co-organised with local host organisations to reflect the local and regional context and strengthen local and regional ecosystems.
SEWF worked with network partners to map existing social enterprise definitions and standards and identify common characteristics. The results were shared at the SEWF event in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) in 2019.
The characteristics became the basis of a global social enterprise verification that was piloted with network partners. At the time, international companies and agencies said it was difficult to support social enterprises because they operate under many different legal structures and couldn’t be identified across sectors and countries.
The idea was to come together and develop an inclusive, straightforward and affordable verification system that recognised existing certifications, worked across sectors, languages and legal systems and expanded opportunities and market access for social enterprises globally.
A full review was conducted in consultation with participating enterprises and networks. The core principles and standards remained the same, but the terminology and documentation requirements were updated to better reflect the diversity of the global movement.
From 2024, the movement is expanding beyond enterprise verification to engage everyone who puts people and planet first. Follow People and Planet First on Instagram. Sign-up for updates.